
Build Your Digital Wonderland

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Mastering Product Sharing on Social Media Platforms with spottfolio

Create spot - Spottfolio user guide step one image

Create Spot

Organize your favorite products into personalized bundle known as spot.

Share spot - Spottfolio user guide step two image

Share with friends

Obtain a unique link for each spot you create and share it seamlessly across your social networks, blogs, or websites.

Get spot views - Spottfolio user guide step three image

Total Views

Stay informed and engaged by monitoring the views your spot receives.

affilates product oraganizing

Empower Affiliates

Our dedicated Creator Mode allows you to add your affiliate links to the products.

we'll handle the redirects, ensuring a smooth experience for your audience.

One Unified link

spottfolio's one link, multiple possibilities!

Affiliates promote products, users share favorites. Simplifying sharing for all.

Share spot on social media using link